France Aj Alimentaire


Categoria : Feijão


Soy contains minerals, B vitamins and phytic acid. Soybeans are the main protein source in livestock feed (after which animal protein is produced for human consumption). Brazil is currently a leading country in soybean cultivation. Soybeans are a versatile crop that can be used for many different purposes. Soybeans are not only a source of protein for livestock feed, but are also used in the production of foods such as soymilk and tofu. Soybean oil, which is used for cooking and manufacturing various industrial products, is also extracted from beans. Brazil's soybean production has increased steadily over the years. Brazil's soybean production is expected to reach about 124 million tons in 2021/2022. This is due to a combination of factors such as favorable weather conditions and advances in agricultural technology. The Brazilian government has also taken steps to support the growth of the soybean industry. These measures include investments in infrastructure and research, and financial support programs for farmers.

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